To some Hedy Lamarr is a star;
To others, Betty Grable’s very able;
For Tony, Pat and Jake,
There is one Veronica Lake;
But I’ve got another
To thrill you, brother;
She’s the queen of them all
Canteen Kate—
Every night at eight—
Alone and patriotic;
She dances with the
Soldiers and the sailors
And Marines;
She’s the baby of the Navy
And the charmy of the Army
And the queenie of the
big marines.
It’s no military secret—
She’s the oh-oh-oh,
of the U.S.O.
Canteen Kate—
Always with a convoy—
Teaches new maneuvers;
When her captain’s near
You’ll hear her whistling
In the dark;
Halt there! Who’s there!
Canteen Kate.